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Book article

Buch, Barbara (2017): Canada/North America: Shame between Indigenous Nature-connectedness, Colonialism and Cultural Disconnection. In:Vanderheiden, E. & Mayer, C.H. [Eds.]: The Value of Shame:
Shame and culture as health resources. Springer Int.
ISBN 978-3-319-53100-7

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Book article

Buch, Barbara (2015). „All my relations“ und Gesundheit – nordamerikanische Perspektiven. In: Mayer, C.H.& Hausner, S. (Hg.). Salutogene Aufstellungen. Beiträge zur Gesundheitsförderung in der systemischen Arbeit. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, 1. Auflage 2015, 277 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-525-40370-9

{English: "All My Relations" and Health - North American Perspectives, Salutogenic Constellation Work. Contributions to Health Promotion within Constellation Work}.

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Salutogene Aufstellungen - Claude-Hélène Mayer, Stephan Hausner (Hg.)


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Book article

Buch, Barbara (2012). Shamanism as Applied Salutogenesis? In: Mayer, C.H. & Krause, C. (Eds.) (2012). Exploring Mental Health: Theoretical and Empirical Discourses on Salutogenesis. Pabst Publishers, Lengerich, p. 99-117.

Shamanism, Salutogenesis, Coping and Crisis Intervention, States of Consciousness, Imagery, Myth, Ritual

This study was undertaken to determine if shamanic practices do use salutogenic principles. A wide selection of the available literature on the extensive subject of Shamanism was analyzed in order to delineate some of the main elements of Shamanism and to compare them with Antonovsky’s Salutogenic Model. In this context the following salutogenic components were considered: The understanding of health and disease, coping with stressors, Generalized Resistance Resources (GRRs) and the Sense of Coherence (SOC). Possible effects of shamanic interventions on the Sense of Coherence (SOC) were identified. The results of the study show a strong congruence in all aspects. Shamanic interventions which basically aim at restoring balance and consequently healing are potentially able to directly promote the individual SOC, its components and health. The author concludes that Shamanism does in fact represent an applied salutogenic methodology for the promotion of health and prevention of disease. There are considerable obstacles that need to be overcome before shamanic practices can be applied freely in a wider transcultural context. The potential salutogenic application of shamanic interventions needs closer consideration, evaluation and research regarding forms, methods and effectiveness.

Exploring Mental Health: Theoretical and Empirical Discourses on Salutogenesis

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